You have the choice with each booking form to allow or disallow customers the ability to cancel through your booking form. Our portal does not mandate either way. Some of our customers use our system to set a ‘Up-To-Date’ customers are able to cancel online. There are multiple options for you to control cancellations on each individual Booking Form.
No limit. Our platform enables you to create as many forms as you need. Noting each will have its own unique booking link.
No. MBM’s “Copy” button speeds up duplication of booking forms fast. Then after the duplication is made, you simply rename it for your next location, and edit any fields (such as map references). For all other fields / questions that are identical, you don’t need to touch them. It might take only 2 or 3 minutes to duplicate and update each similar form to create your series of booking forms fast with less risk of errors.
Normally the Tax Invoice sent to Attendees states that gst is included.However if all your projects in your account are non GST your account can be changed to a non gst account which means there is no reference to GST on the Tax Invoice. If you require this please submit a ticket to request your account be changed.
Note that a My Booking Manager account can be either gst or non gst. If you have some projects where gst applies and others that are non-gst, the only solution is to set up a two My Booking Manager accounts, one with gst, the other with no gst. (No setup fee applies for the second account).
Yes. Go to Step 6. Extras, you’ll see the “Partial Payment” item. When you click on “Yes” it’ll show more labels where you can customize the conditions for the payment installments.